Mobile Banking

At Jumbostar Solutions Limited, we can integrate your Core Banking System to the M-PESA platform: both Business-to-Customer (B2C) and Customer-to-Business (C2B).

Using B2C, members are able to withdraw funds from their accounts at the SACCO and have the funds sent to their M-PESA virtual accounts from where the member can use M-PESA in the normal way.

Using C2B (popularly known as Paybill), members can send funds from their M-PESA virtual accounts into their accounts at the SACCO. They can instruct the system to transact with the deposited funds eg to buy shares, pay for loans and interest; or top-up their savings.

We can also setup M-PESA Standing Orders for sending periodic funds to specific phone numbers (eg to relatives or employees).

Our offering adheres strictly to the guidelines laid down by both the regulators and the Service Providers.

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